Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday Fragments 3-29-13


1. I can't believe it's already almost April! 2013 is flying by faster than ever!  We have so MANY things going on between now and June! I can't wait to share them all with you!

2. First and foremost I'm super excited that it's almost time for Texas School! This is a week long intense training for photographers in Dallas for those with limited photographic experience all the way to those who are professional photographers who want advanced training.  I'm super excited to meet new people and become a better and  more confident photographer. I'm sure I'll will have several blog posts about Texas School to share with you when I get back. 

3. I'm a not a confident person at all by nature. I really want to become more confident. Any ideas, tips, suggestions on how to do this? 

4. My mom recently had a titanium rod put in her leg. The rod runs from her knee to her ankle. Thanks to all of you who prayed for my mom during the surgery. She's slowly but surely on the road to recovery. Please keep her and my father in your prayers. 

5. Spring is in full bloom here that means it's there's lots of great things to photograph.  If you haven't liked our facebook page please take a second and do so. Here's the link. Thanks! :)

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Easter weekend! Remember:  
God's not dead. He's surely alive!
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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Zoe and Zak and the Ghost Leopard by Lars Guignard Book Review

I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of Charisma Media Network 

About the Book:

Imagine you're totally lost in a strange city with no idea where you are and no way home.

Now imagine that elephants and snake charmers start telling you that you've been chosen to save the world.

Would you even believe them?  What would you do?

Zoe Guire isn't sure. Having that elephant talk to her was really weird, and, as a rule, Zoe doesn't do weird. Except the thing is, when Zoe goes along on her mom's business trip to India, things get very weird, very quickly. Soon after she arrives, Zoe finds herself tagging alongside a kid named Zak, lost in a crazy city, with no money and no way home.

And those are the least of Zoe's troubles. Because if she's to believe the scary-looking snake charmer guy sitting in the corner, she and Zak have been chosen -- chosen to protect some kind of mythical animal called the Ghost Leopard from who knows what.

Now, the further they get into the mountains, the more crazily impossible things get. Carpets fly and statues talk and if either Zoe or Zak want to make it back to their parents, or the sixth grade, or anything even close to normal, they're going to have to make some new friends, learn some new tricks, and listen, really listen to that talking elephant. Because if they don't, the world will never be the same again.

Join Zoe and Zak as they journey high into the Himalayas to a place few have been and even fewer have returned to tell about it.

Live life beyond the edge.
My thoughts about the book:

 Zoe and Zak and the Ghost Leopard was a delight to read. The author did a great job of weaving action and humor along with interesting facts about the history and culture of India into the story. The author does a great job of describing the scenes that I feel like I'm there with Zoe and Zack.
Once I started reading the book I had a hard time putting it down. I know this story is geared towards children but I think adults would enjoy it as well. I know I did.

About the Author:

Lars Guignard is the bestselling author of four novels, including the spy thriller series: Lethal Circuit & Blown Circuit, the paranormal detective series: Brood, and the middle grade magic adventure series: Zoe & Zak and the Ghost Leopard.
Lars Guignard is a former film and television writer and graduate of both McGill University and the American Film Institute in Los Angeles.
Ever since attending high school in the Indian Himalayas, Lars has been an avid backpacker and traveler. He now makes his home in the Pacific Northwest where he is busy completing the second Zoe & ZAk adventure  for release in Spring 2013.

His blog can be found at where he discusses his new projects and technology’s impact on writing.

Note: I'm always happy to do product reviews. If you're a company and want me to review your product, simply e-mail me at the e-mail address on the sidebar to the right.

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