Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday Fragments 3-15-13

1. Spring break always goes by so fast. Monday is going to be a long day. Thankfully we are on the downhill slide of the school year. We just have to get through state testing coming up in April and then the countdown to summer can officially begin.
2. The weather has been amazing here in Southeast Texas this week. We usually don't have spring like weather. Our usual seasons consist of hot and hotter.  This week we've been blessed with cool mornings and pleasant afternoons.  I wish we could have this kind of weather all year!
3. With spring comes the return of my allergies. They always return with vengeance! I was given a bottle of local honey in hopes that taking a teaspoon of it every day will help my allergies.I hope it works because allergies stink!
4. My mom fell getting into my dad's truck the end of last week. She broke her tibia. The doctor said to come back in two weeks and if it doesn't heal properly they will have to put a metal rod in her leg. Please keep her and my dad in your prayers.
5. I've been helping a local photographer at her studio. It's been an amazing experience. I've learned a lot (and I have lots more that I still want to learn)
6. I helped with senior graduation picture sessions yesterday. I can't believe how young theses seniors are! Maybe it's just because I'm getting older! LOL :)
7. Speaking of graduation, my niece will be graduating from kindergarten this year! Just thinking thinking about it causes me to tear up. Time certainly does fly!
 Remember Sunday is St. Patrick's Day so wear green so you won't get pinched! I hope everyone has a safe, and happy weekend. post signature

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring is the season to.....ACHOOOOO!

I helped at a photo shoot in Houston today at Mercer Arboretum and boy and I paying for it now. I have water, itchy eyes, runny noes and a very sore throat. Everything blooming makes my allergies go a-wall. So I will not be writing much today. I'm going to focus on feeling better. Do you have allergies? If so what do you do to feel better? post signature

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Top 10 books TBR this spring

I'm taking a break from reviewing this week since it's spring break. I'm linking up with The Broke and The Bookish for her Top Ten Tuesday. 
Here are my Top 10 Books to be read this Spring (in no particular order)
1. EntreLeadersip by Dave Ramsey
2. The Hot Shoe Diaries: big light from small flashes by Joe McNally
3. The bird Sisters by Rebecca Rasmussen
4. Greater than Rubies, a novella by Hallee Birdgeman
5. Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis
6.Always the Wedding Planner, Never the Bride by Sandra Bricker
7. Gone Girl: A Novel by Gillian Flynn
8. Wonderstruck: awaken to the nearness of God
9. Chief Complaint Brain Tumor by John Kerastas
10. The Princess by Lori Wick

What books are you looking forward to reading this spring?
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Sunday, March 10, 2013

This week is our school districts spring break. Since I work for the school district, I get this week off too.
here are the three things I love about spring break

1. I get to turn my alarm OFF. Not much to explain about this one.  It's one of life's simple pleasure that I don't get to take advantage of too often

2. It's Flip Flop weather!  I love my flip flops and I wear them as often as I can. Spring break means it's almost time to pull them out if I haven't already! :)


3. Blooming Flowers and Critters I love being out and about checking out (and snapping pics) of all the blooming flowers and newborn animals. Unfortunately, my allergies do not. Thank God for Neti pot.
A trio of new-born lambs are pictured enjoying their first week of life at the Thornton Hall Country Park visitor attraction, Thornton-in-Craven.

What are your favorite things about Spring Break?  post signature

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