Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Fragments 9-28-12

1. Last week when I went to the doctor to get some lab results I found out that I have a vitamin b-12 and a vitamin D deficiency. Well since then I've been taking b vitamins and oh my goodness I have energy again!!! Okay I'm still not back to my self yet but I feel amazing. You don't realize how much you miss energy till you don't have any.

 2. Wednesday I will be taking part in a blogger chocolate tasting event here in Houston. Can we say-Super Excited!!! Look for a post about the event coming soon!

3. Monday I will be starting the Shapelygirl Fitness challenge as well as reviewing Debra Mazda's DVD. Look for the post Monday and join the challenge with me! 

4. My husband is still on nights. It's getting easier and I'm sleeping better but I still miss him alot. I'm trying though. It helps knowing he loves his job (except for the hours). I keep telling myself, "This too shall pass...."

5. Work has been busy already-especially for the beginning of the school year. This is a good thing-I think LOL  :)

I actually think that's it for now. Since I've been feeling better and have more energy my mind is going 100 mph! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Come by Monday to find out how you can join me in my Shapelygirl fitness challenge! 

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mother Of Pearl by Kellie Coates Gilbert Book Review

About the Book:

Barrie Graeber has two great kids, a loving husband, and a respected job as the high school counselor in her close-knit community. Without warning, everything unravels when her teenage daughter, Pearl, is betrayed by friends and lashes out.
Nothing prepares this mother for the helplessness that follows when her attempts to steer her daughter back on course fail and Pearl shuts her out . . . or when she discovers the unthinkable about her nemesis, the football coach.
Emotionally riveting and profoundly moving, MOTHER OF PEARL brings us into the heart of a mother bound by an incredible burden, who ultimately finds she must recognize her own vulnerability and learn to trust in something much bigger.
My thoughts on the book:
Once I started reading this book, I could not put it down. This is an easy read that deals with current tough issues.  The author uses these issues to show God's mercy and grace. I cried in this book and that's not normal for me. I cried because of the tragedy the family had to deal with as well as how all things worked out together for good. I can totally see this book being made in to a made for tv movie on lifetime. I look forward to reading Kellie Coates Gilbert's next novel.

About the Author

  1. I fell for my skydive instructor (pun intended) and we’ve been married over thirty years.
  2. I appeared on the popular television game show, Price is Right.
  3. I made Ted Kennedy’s bed (as a maid at the Sun Valley Lodge).
  4. Part of my skull was temporarily stored in a cooler during brain surgery.
  5. I’ve been to a Rocky Mountain Oyster fry. (don’t ask…look it up).
  6. I’ve herded sheep.
  7. I’ve attended a presidential inaugural ball.
  8. I know how to tell the difference between a male and a female crab.
  9. My first office was in the Idaho State Capitol Building.
  10. I was a popcorn ball in my fourth grade Christmas pageant.
  11. My Gram called me her “precious puddin’ gift of God.” I’ve tried to get my husband to use that term of endearment, but he refuses.
  12. The popular doll, Barbie, and I are nearly the same age.
  13. There were sixteen students in my high school graduating class.
  14. I decided to play golf because the clothes are so cute.
  15. My life motto is: Prone to wander, chained to grace.

I received a free copy of this book/Ebook/Product to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of GlassRoad Media.

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